Helmet Boy

Markus998: Hey, guys, have you ever heard of that strange helmet kid?
Devus192: No, never heard of him, don't even know what you're talking about...
Markus998: I've heard that he's called the Helmet Boy, or Helmet Kid...
Devus192: Where is he located?
Markus998: Usually in our home town, Cherry Hill, NJ
DeanTheMan: Wait...I know what you're talking about I think!
Markus998: Really?
DeanTheMan: Yeah! I went to Erlton North Trails! I saw him standing on a hill!
Devus192: What was he doing on that hill?
DeanTheMan: He was just staring at me...like a mannequin, just standing there with a bike...
ChristyChris: I've heard of this guy. Never seen him, but I see strange drawings of him at the park Erlton trails lead to
Markus998: I think he's just a strange kid, but he's freaking me out...
ChristyChris: They look like those cave paintings from the Stone Age, like stick men
DeanTheMan: Oh come on, you drew those!
ChristyChris: No! I didn't! I swear!
DeanTheMan: Stop lying, we know your tricks
Devus192: Ok guys, don't start arguing now
DeanTheMan: ok MOM
Markus998: GUYS! Listen, let me describe more of him! Please!
DeanTheMan: Why do you want to so bad? Be a star on those paranormal shows
DeanTheMan: Ok, Jesus man...
Markus998: Ok, I know of this school called Clara Barton Elementary school that's next to those trails, he's seen around there too!
ChristyChris: Sounds a bit boring to hang out there to me...
Markus998: Yeah, but kids have reported seeing him there, and him talking to them about useless stuff...
Devus192: Like what?
Markus998: Idk, just random stuff he wants to talk about
DeanTheMan: Should we go there and investigate one day?
Markus998: Yeah, maybe...
ChristyChris: Sounds risky to me...
Devus192: Come on, i've heard he's harmless
Markus998: Guys, hold on, I gotta get the door...
DeanTheMan: Ok then...
ChristyChris: I'm too scared to go, what if he tries to attack us?
DeanTheMan: DUDE! He wont attack!
Devus192: I've heard he only attacks if you threaten him or make him feel unsafe or anything...
Markus998: Guys...I'm hiding in the bathroom
Devus192: Why? That's just...weird...
DeanTheMan: Yeah, I agree
Markus998: He's in my house...
ChristChris: Who?
Markus998: That kid! Helmet Kid!
DeanTheMan: Aw shit, not another prank...
DeanTheMan: Ok, you clearly don't know what paranoid means...
Devus192: Call the police or something!
Markus998: Ok i'll
ChristyChris: Markus? Are you there?
Markus998 is offline
Devus192: I'm calling the police right now...
DeanTheMan: Ok, i'm gonna trust you guys for once...
ChristyChris: I'm staying home...
DeanTheMan: I'm going over to Markus to see what happened to him...
Devus192 is offline
ChristyChris is offline
DeanTheMan is offline
The next day...
DeanTheMan: Markus can't come on today...
Devus192: What happened? is he ok?
DeanTheMan: He has to go through therapy, I saw him petrified against his bathroom wall...
Devus192: Do you know what happened?
DeanTheMan: I don't know! He just wouldn't speak to me!
Devus192: I called the police
DeanTheMan: Yeah, I know you did...
Devus192: Anyways, where's Chris?
DeanTheMan: He's at his house doing something...
Devus192: Markus is ok, he's just scared?
DeanTheMan: More than scared man...
Devus192: What did you do? Just leave him there?
DeanTheMan: No, I called the police and they came over, his parents weren't home...
Devus192: Did they come over there?
DeanTheMan: Yeah
DeanTheMan: The police asked him to draw what he saw...
Devus192: What did he draw?
DeanTheMan: It showed the Helmet Boy, in a stickman form with it's arms up, with Markus siting and crying...
Devus192: so...basically he's like the Slender Man?
DeanTheMan: I guess you can say that, except he doesn't kill anybody...
Devus192: That's it, we're going to Erlton today...
DeanTheMan: Ok...should Chris come too?
Devus192: If you want him too, if he's too busy then he doesn't have to come...
DeanTheMan: Ok, let's get there now
Devus192: kk
DeanTheMan is offline
Devus192 is offline
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